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World News

World News 목록

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World News 목록
  • Will NK recognize NLL after decades of opposition?  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-05-08 13:08:34   인기글     
  •  just about a month after the armistice agreement was signed in July 1953, the US-led United Nations Command declared the Northern Limit Line on the West Sea to prevent accide…
  • US, North Korea not on same page on denuclearization  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-04-24 00:41:07   인기글     
  •   Since North Korea announced it was willing to negotiate over its nuclear weapons program and offered to sit down for talks with the US, there has been lingering skeptic…
  • Defence in Kim Jong Nam trial casts doubt on poison test lab  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-04-05 22:33:53   인기글     
  • SHAH ALAM, Malaysia -- The laboratory that tested the nerve agent allegedly used to assassinate the North Korean leader's half-brother was not on the list of centres approved by th…
  • 64 dead in Russian shopping mall inferno  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-03-26 22:56:58   인기글     
  • This handout picture released by the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry on March 26, 2018, shows emergency firefighters working outside a burning shopping centre in Kemerovo. At…
  • Trump says he will meet Kim Jong-un by May  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-03-09 10:56:38   인기글     
  • ​North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, left, and US President Donald Trump (AP)​ ​​US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have agreed to meet by May, accord…
  • Ivanka Trump gets red-carpet welcome  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-02-23 22:05:39   인기글     
  •  Ivanka Trump, US President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior adviser to the White House, arrived in South Korea on Friday as the head of the US delegation to the closing cer…
  • N. Korean athletes stay guarded in build-up to Olympics  
  • 검찰타임즈   2018-02-03 21:36:38   인기글     
  •   Coming from a reclusive nation, North Korean athletes have remained guarded in their preparations for the upcoming Winter Olympics in South Korea.A delegation of 32, in…
  • New Zealand homes 'not for sale' to foreigners under new PM  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-10-25 09:32:54   인기글     
  • ​New Zealand's Labour party leader Jacinda Ardern speaks to the media after her first caucus meeting as Prime Minister-elect at Parliament in Wellington on October 20, 2017. New Ze…
  • ‘中 100년의 꿈 주인공’ 야심 드러낸 시진핑  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-10-19 12:54:04   인기글     
  •   시진핑(習近平) 중국 국가주석이 중국 건국 100주년을 맞는 2049년까지의 국정 운영 목표를 제시하며 장기 집권 의지를 드러냈다. 외신들은 “황제의 대관식” “왕좌의 게임”이라는 표현을 쓰며 ‘양대 100년의 꿈’을 이룰 역사의 주인공이 되겠다는 시 주석의 야심을 집중 조명했다. 시 주석은 18일 …
  • Anti-nuclear campaign ICAN wins Nobel Peace Prize  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-10-09 10:29:52   인기글     
  • Nuclear disarmament group ICAN won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for its decade-long campaign to rid the world of the atomic bomb as nuclear-fuelled crises swirl over North Korea…
  • US State Department: "Middle North policy is changing"  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-09-29 09:32:51   인기글     
  •   The US State Department assessed that China 's North Korea policy is making progress. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Susa…
  • On Seoul streets, hawks outnumber doves on North Korea  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-09-12 20:51:01   인기글     
  •   To South Koreans, North Korea has never been a foreign country. Despite the war six decades ago and occasional military conflicts with it thereafter, North Koreans were…
  • 트럼프 설득한 사진 한장...'치마입고 카불 활보하는 여성들'  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-08-24 13:42:02   인기글     
  •   아프가니스탄 전쟁을 지속하는 데 부정적이었던 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령이 적극적 개입으로 대아프간 정책 방향을 선회한 데에는 서구적이었던 옛 아프간의 모습을 담은 사진 한 장이 큰 역할을 한 것으로 알려졌습니다.   미국 일간 워싱턴포스트는 현역 육군 중장인 허버트 맥매스터 백악관 국가안…
  • 복싱-격투기 최강의 '맞짱'…누가 이길까  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-08-24 13:07:05   인기글     
  •   '무패 복서' 플로이드 메이웨더 주니어(40·미국)와 '격투기 최강자' 코너 맥그리거(29·아일랜드)의 일전이 사흘 앞으로 다가왔다.두 선수는 오는 27일(한국시간) 미국 네바다주 라스베이거스의 T-모바일 아레나에서 12라운드 슈퍼웰터급(69.85㎏) 복싱 대결을 펼친다.영국 일간지 가디언은 전 세계…
  • Egg inspections complete, but safety concerns remain  
  • 검찰타임즈   2017-08-19 16:02:10   인기글     
  •   Consumer concerns about eggs contaminated with insecticides persisted Friday, as the government announced the results of its inspections on all large-scale egg farms.Th…
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