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Talk! Talk! Korea

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작성자 검찰타임즈 작성일16-06-03 00:55 조회1,868회 댓글0건



Express Korea through Your Creative Ideas!
Started in 2013, "Talk! Talk! Korea" is the global contents competition organized by the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS), KBS World, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).For this year’s event, we prepared 6 categories waiting for your creative expressions. Show us Korea through your original ideas!


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(주)헤럴드 / 경기,아51300 / 등록일 : 2015년 9월9일 / 발행인 : 김영봉 / 논설위원: 김정민 / 편집인 : 김영미 / TEL031-775-2545
[본사] 경기도 양평군 청운면 벗고갯길 10 [서울사무소] 서울 동작구 상도로 160 / 청소년정보보호책임자:정연수
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